What is the best setting for: Firewall / pfBlockerNG / IP / IPV4 / Action ?
Hi all
I'm not sure if my config is correct, can you please advise, what should the default / best setting be for PRI1 'Action' be, see below please:
As you will se eit is set to 'Deny Both' currently.
Thanks in advance.
The default is :
which means : do nothing
An explanation can be found when you click blue circle "I". (for more information).
"Both" isn't really needed, as normally, nothings can enter in the direction WAN to something, like pfSense itself, or a LAN.
I guess "Deny Outbound" is a good choice, it will stop you from visiting all IPv4 in the list.
Be aware : if the site, and you, also uses IPv6, you could still visit the site -
@Gertjan But your image looks nothing like the image of my GUI, are you sure this is in the same area as me?
Edit the entry then you will see that.