1100 23.09.1 -> 24.03 upgrade fails, lack of disk space
From looking around other posts I am fairly sure the problem here is that I have an 1100 running on ZFS and the software has just about gotten to the point where it's big enough that upgrades need to be done from USB. I thought I'd ask anyway.
Here's the error I get when trying to run the upgrade, I am not 100% sure why only 1GB of usable disk is showing up but that's why I am posting here. I have no additional packages installed.
The disk in the dashboard is about 49% full and then gradually increases as the upgrade runs until it's at 99% and the upgrade fails, it then cleans up after itself and goes back to 49%. Hardware is a 1100, and it was installed from USB recovery media in Feb 2023 to move to ZFS, not 100% sure what version that would have been. gpart show output is
=> 1 15269887 mmcsd0 MBR (7.3G) 1 532480 1 efi (260M) 532481 131072 2 fat32 (64M) 663553 14606335 3 freebsd [active] (7.0G) => 0 14606335 mmcsd0s3 BSD (7.0G) 0 16 - free - (8.0K) 16 14606319 1 freebsd-zfs (7.0G)
I am not much of a *BSD user but can type stuff into the CLI if I know what to type. Any assistance on this would be good.
@slu Ah thanks a lot, I never thought to look at the boot environments because they were showing that they only took up a few KB of space.