Serving nonstandard dhcp values
Although my interface IP/Netmask may be large, such as … I want to DHCP to serve a more constrained range and netmask on this interface, such as ... is this possible? If so, how would I set it up?
Thanks, -pc -
No, this is not currently possible.
Since the dhcp server is simply transmitting data fields (ip,netmask,gateway,dns,etc) out to clients. If the dhcpd server developers took it upon themselves to unnecessary code in non-required restrictions as to the content of the data (ie. netmask), well that just seems daft. If this is actually the case, I imagine that silly netmask validation routine could easily be commented out of dhcpd source.
Since the dhcp server is simply transmitting data fields (ip,netmask,gateway,dns,etc) out to clients. If the dhcpd server developers took it upon themselves to unnecessary code in non-required restrictions as to the content of the data (ie. netmask), well that's just seems daft. If this is actually the case, I imagine that silly netmask validation routine could easily be commented out of dhcpd source.
Its possible but pfSense does not support it.
To verify, if my Interface IP/Netmask is "" then the following dhcpd.conf entry for that interface would not work?
subnet netmask {
option subnet-mask;
option broadcast-address;
option routers;
option domain-name-servers;
option domain-name "";
option ip-forwarding on;
option netbios-node-type 8;
} -
subnet on the client interface and the server interface need to be the same
Ah, corrected a typo, the interface IP is now specified as desired above.