Clean up orphaned services?
A while back, I can't even recall how long ago (at least a year), I tried using both Squid as well as ClamAV. Don't ask why, I don't even remember. I uninstalled them the same way I installed them via System->Package Manager, pretty much instantly.
Since said time, I have only been running the default factory installed packages: aws-wizard, ipsec-profile-wizard, Netgate_Firmware_Upgrade, WireGuard
Anyway, after logging in today and looking at the dashboard, I realized I still have some orphaned services from said uninstalled packages: I can still see squid/clamd/c-icap listed, although they aren't running so I presume they aren't doing anything I need to be aware of.
Should I just leave this be and not worry about it? Or is it worth it to attempt to try and clean it up somehow? I ask just in case these orphaned services in some way wind up causing an issue one day in the future with an OS update or something similar.
You can reinstall then remove Squid again. Those services should be removed by the uninstall script.
You can just remove those from the config file manually but that's obviously higher risk.
Thanks, that fixed it! Not sure why I was too afraid to try that.