pfSense 2.7.2 loss of WAN connection shortly after IP assignment.
@stephenw10 Found the dhcp logs when the Static IP was assigned.
Apr 10 07:28:59 dhclient 17457 PREINIT Apr 10 07:28:51 dhclient 38420 exiting. Apr 10 07:28:51 dhclient 38420 connection closed Apr 10 07:18:54 dhclient 38420 bound to -- renewal in 1800 seconds. Apr 10 07:18:54 dhclient 83756 Creating resolv.conf Apr 10 07:18:54 dhclient 83268 Adding new routes to interface: ixl0 Apr 10 07:18:54 dhclient 82312 New Routers (ixl0): Apr 10 07:18:54 dhclient 80991 New Subnet Mask (ixl0): Apr 10 07:18:54 dhclient 80482 New IP Address (ixl0): Apr 10 07:18:54 dhclient 79908 ifconfig ixl0 inet netmask broadcast Apr 10 07:18:54 dhclient 79288 Starting add_new_address() Apr 10 07:18:54 dhclient 78504 BOUND Apr 10 07:18:54 dhclient 38420 DHCPACK from Apr 10 07:18:53 dhclient 38420 DHCPREQUEST on ixl0 to port 67 Apr 10 07:18:53 dhclient 76936 ARPCHECK Apr 10 07:18:51 dhclient 70966 ARPSEND Apr 10 07:18:51 dhclient 38420 DHCPOFFER from Apr 10 07:18:51 dhclient 38420 DHCPDISCOVER on ixl0 to port 67 interval 2 Apr 10 07:18:44 dhclient 38420 DHCPREQUEST on ixl0 to port 67 Apr 10 07:18:40 dhclient 38420 DHCPREQUEST on ixl0 to port 67 Apr 10 07:18:38 dhclient 38420 DHCPREQUEST on ixl0 to port 67 Apr 10 07:18:36 dhclient 38420 DHCPREQUEST on ixl0 to port 67 Apr 10 07:18:36 dhclient 46514 ARPCHECK Apr 10 07:18:34 dhclient 41034 ARPSEND Apr 10 07:18:33 dhclient 38420 DHCPOFFER from Apr 10 07:18:33 dhclient 38420 DHCPDISCOVER on ixl0 to port 67 interval 2 Apr 10 07:18:33 dhclient 38420 DHCPNAK from Apr 10 07:18:33 dhclient 38420 DHCPREQUEST on ixl0 to port 67 Apr 10 07:18:33 dhclient 39160 PREINIT
It looks like it was only a few seconds before it closed the connection when I got my StaticIP.
But then after that with the dynamic IPs the I get the following in the dhcp logs.
bound to -- renewal in 33993 seconds.
Which is about 9hrs. However I have timed it properly and my connection drops out at the 30min mark down to the second.
@Aus_Karlos said in pfSense 2.7.2 loss of WAN connection shortly after IP assignment.:
Apr 10 07:18:54 dhclient 38420 bound to -- renewal in 1800 seconds.
Hmm, only a 1h lease on the static IP. But the process is closed after 10mins. Did the link bounce?
Do both leases come from the same DHCP server?
What is your definition of a static IP ?
You've not selected a static IP setup on your WAN, but a DHCP (the D stands for Dynamic).
This :
is completely different.
So its the DHCP client that is used, "requesting" for upstream (ISP) if some server can give a DHCP lease. said : not me ^^
But gave a lease !
For some unknown reason, the dhcp client continued requesting ..... strange.
But our insisted, and was finally accepted.bound to -- renewal in 1800 seconds.
You have a WAN IP, and it will get renewed in 30 minutes - the lease is valid for 1 hour, which is a more simple procedure.
Still a bit short for a IPv4 lease. But hey, why not, not all ISPs are created equal.
I'm curious to see what happened at this this "30 minutes" mark.10 minutes in :
@Aus_Karlos said in pfSense 2.7.2 loss of WAN connection shortly after IP assignment.:
Apr 10 07:28:51 dhclient 38420 exiting.
Apr 10 07:28:51 dhclient 38420 connection closedwhat happened ?
Check also the gateway logs (dpinger) -the connection became that bad that 'dpinger' pulled = reset the WAN - the plug ?
And if so, if the connetion is bad, DHCP restarts but can't 'pass' neither. -
@stephenw10 No, the StaticIPs come from a different gateway (144.something.something )than the Dynamic ones im getting ( The link doesn't bounce as there are no other WAN adapters currently setup. The system can see 2x 1GB adapters and a 10Gbe LAN adapter. The second 1gb adapter is not setup under interfaces and the 10Gbe is the LAN interface.
@Gertjan Telstra provide StaticIPs though DHCP for domestic home Business plans. They only provide true StaticIPs to commercial sites located in the CBD.
Apr 10 07:28:54 dpinger 52091 exiting on signal 15 Apr 10 07:28:54 dpinger 52091 WAN_DHCP sendto error: 65 Apr 10 07:28:53 dpinger 52091 WAN_DHCP sendto error: 65 Apr 10 07:27:57 dpinger 52091 WAN_DHCP Alarm latency 0us stddev 0us loss 100% Apr 10 07:27:55 dpinger 52091 send_interval 500ms loss_interval 2000ms time_period 60000ms report_interval 0ms data_len 1 alert_interval 1000ms latency_alarm 500ms loss_alarm 20% alarm_hold 10000ms dest_addr bind_addr identifier "WAN_DHCP " Apr 10 07:27:55 dpinger 26192 exiting on signal 15 Apr 10 07:27:55 dpinger 95108 exiting on signal 15 Apr 10 07:20:18 dpinger 95108 WAN_DHCP Alarm latency 13842us stddev 2591us loss 22% Apr 10 07:18:59 dpinger 95108 send_interval 500ms loss_interval 2000ms time_period 60000ms report_interval 0ms data_len 1 alert_interval 1000ms latency_alarm 500ms loss_alarm 20% alarm_hold 10000ms dest_addr bind_addr identifier "WAN_DHCP "
So it looks like im getting packet loss shortly after connecting with the StaticIP.
It could be objecting to the monitoring pings. Try disabling gateway monitoring in Sys > Routing > Gateways, edit the gateway.
If that works you can set the monitoring to some other IP.
@Aus_Karlos said in pfSense 2.7.2 loss of WAN connection shortly after IP assignment.:
Apr 10 07:18:59 dpinger 95108 send_interval 500ms .....
Compare with the further above :
Apr 10 07:18:54 dhclient 38420 bound to -- renewal in 1800 seconds.
This is the very same moment that the dhcpclient has been its job : all is well, a WAN IP is alive.
Less then 2 minutes later : the first ICMPs get lost : the connection degrades fast :
Apr 10 07:20:18 dpinger 95108 WAN_DHCP Alarm latency 13842us stddev 2591us loss 22%
and less then 10 minutes later (note : dpinger stayed silent !) , dpinger exists :
Apr 10 07:27:55 dpinger 95108 exiting on signal 1
probably because the WAN got reset. Like some one ripped out the cable.
I even tend to think : if it is not dpinger who did this, it it the physical connection that goes bad ?
What is the upstream device ? a modem ? router ?And who is this :
Apr 10 07:27:55 dpinger 26192 exiting on signal 15
26192 and 95108 are different dpinger processses.
Do you have more then one WAN ?Anyway, another dpinger gets spawn : process 52091 :
Apr 10 07:27:55 dpinger 52091 send_interval 500ms loss_interval 2000ms time_period 60000ms report_interval 0ms data_len 1 alert_interval 1000ms latency_alarm 500ms loss_alarm 20% alarm_hold 10000ms dest_addr bind_addr identifier "WAN_DHCP "
But it alarms-out right away with 100 % loss ...
And then the interface is pulled down, again, more like the link was pulled down like a cable disconnect :Apr 10 07:28:53 dpinger 52091 WAN_DHCP sendto error: 65
Apr 10 07:28:54 dpinger 52091 WAN_DHCP sendto error: 65"sendto error" means : "the interface used has been removed from the system".
So, for dpinger, it's time to quiet as there is nothing more to do :
Apr 10 07:28:54 dpinger 52091 exiting on signal 15
Process 52091 stops ....
That particular sendto error is 'no route':
So it lost the IP/gateway rather than the interface itself.
Just waiting on my ISP report. The tech team was confused as even though the Business plan lists "StaticIP coming soon". The plan itself is only a StaticIP service and they have no clue as to why im getting Dynamic IPs. They have a theory that my service was somehow activated 2 weeks to early on their end and my account had yet to be configured. I got a message from the ISP on the 2nd of April saying the service is good to go. But it wasn't suppose to be active until the 12th tomorrow.
So hopefully my issue will be resolved soon.
So its been a while but I got an update. It was Telstra. Which today is still unresolved. The lack of internal dashboard tools for their tech support makes it extremely difficult to identify any issues on their network something as simple as to view the current connected devices MAC address connected to the NTD they have to elevate it to NBNCo.
I switched over to Aussie Broadband and was setup in seconds with no issues. I even have framed Route setup and have a pool of static IP addresses I can use for online services. Not to mention the amount of tools at your disposal on the user dashboard portal.