Thoughts on this NIC.
Looking for a 2Gbps NIC or better for the reasons in the above thread.
Amazon no longer sell qnap 2.5Gbps nice or at least I can't find them.
Anyone use this NIC and provide details of it actually works and is stable.
That should work fine if it's a genuine Intel i225-V NIC.
We use those in the 4100 and 6100.
[24.03-RELEASE][admin@6100.stevew.lan]/root: pciconf -lv igc0 igc0@pci0:4:0:0: class=0x020000 rev=0x01 hdr=0x00 vendor=0x8086 device=0x15f3 subvendor=0x8086 subdevice=0x0000 vendor = 'Intel Corporation' device = 'Ethernet Controller I225-V' class = network subclass = ethernet
Even that one, which is in an early test unit, works fine here. Really you want the Rev3 version though. Intel fixed some issues.
Thank you.
As it's Amazon it's probably fake so I'll keep searching for a QNAP NIC recommended in other threads.
Mmm, I have one I bought as cheap as I could find anywhere just to see what that would get me. It works fine.
Thanks I bought the NIC and will let you know how I get on. Hopefully it's stable as the one you tested with was.
On another note I can see a few people using intel 226 NICs?
Are these stable? There is one riculously cheap on AliExpress.
More than likely fake but for the price could be worth a puntJust found this amazing item on AliExpress. Check it out!
Ha, well that's ludicrously cheap!
We use the i226-V on the 8200 and 4200 without problems. There have been issues reported with i226 chips on other hardware though. Mostly in Windows it seems.
Someone mentioned in the reviews that it works with pfsense so worth a shot.
I mean at that price it would make some nice wall-art if it doesn't!
I was looking at the heatsink wondering if it was a server card that needs lots of chassis airflow to stay cool, but Intel specs these at 1.3-1.5W. Should be fine with passive cooling.
Yeah the i226 is impressively optimised even compared to i225. It's a chip that should require minimal cooling. If it's a real chip of course!
This trend of fake NICs is bizarre and confusing to me. They sell them so cheap I don't understand how they're making money off the scheme.
- about a month later
just in case others come across this.
finally got a chance to install this NIC yesterday and it seems to be working perfect since.
here is the output of
pciconf -lv
igc0@pci0:11:0:0: class=0x020000 rev=0x04 hdr=0x00 vendor=0x8086 device=0x125c subvendor=0x8086 subdevice=0x0000 vendor = 'Intel Corporation' device = 'Ethernet Controller I226-V' class = network subclass = ethernet