Interfaces out of order and ports named incorrectly
When I am on the Interface Assignments page, I would like my interfaces to be ordered from top to bottom from first port to last port. For some reason, this got out of order somehow, and port 3 (igb2) is listed after both port 4 (igb3) and the vlan I assigned to port 3 (VLAN 45 on igb2).
And another thing that's bothering me: what's with the "opt3" on VLAN 45? I don't have an interface called "opt3". Why isn't it called VLAN 45 on igb2 - LAN? Why is the port naming messed up when I'm on the vlan creation page?
igb1 should be called Unraid, igb2 should be called LAN and igb3 should be called Isolation. Instead I get LAN, opt3 and opt1, even though I changed those interface names right after installing pfSense.
@David2mc To fix this you'd have to learn PHP and edit your Jenkins workspace. I think. Don't quote me.
@David2mc names don't really mean anything - optX would be the interface, if you want them in a specific order on that assignment page. then assign them in the order you want.
Typical it would be wan/lan and then all your other interfaces would be in the order you added them, ie opt1, opt2, opt3, etc.
Not exactly sure how you got lan there on the bottom? Did you redo your lan interface or something from the initial setup. Or did you only have a wan setup at start?
@johnpoz I replaced my NIC and had to do interface re-assignment through the terminal interface.
It would be nice if there was an option to re-order interface assignments for things like this.
@johnpoz said in Interfaces out of order and ports named incorrectly:
then assign them in the order you want.
When I created that Test VLAN, it didn't get moved to the bottom of the assignments. As seen in the OP image, it inserted itself between Isolation and LAN(the interface it's parented to). Something weird is going on with how pfSense orders interfaces. I get that maybe it's not that important of an issue, but it would be nice to have things clean and organized.
They are presented in the order they are parsed in the config. If it really borthers you you can just manaully reorder them in the config file. There is risk to doing that, obviously.