pfSense CE Download
Well if you want to try it a new Installer version was made available yesterday, Beta7. That is what I tested with that succeeded on the second attempt.
@stephenw10 Thx, i will, but i downloaded yesterday, ok, maybe those were then later online.
The file inside the gzip will show beta2 or beta7.
@stephenw10 No, it is only pfSense-plus-installer-24.06-BETA7-amd64-20240614-1949.iso
@mak73 I tried again, i had to enable CE repositories, the first time did not worked, second time worked, i am installing now
Mmm, we just narrowed down the specific issue with VBox to system clock problem. It works after rebooting (without powering off) because NTP corrects it the first time.
Should be fixed for the next version.
@stephenw10 Yes, with rebooting works, but you must enable CE repos in Advanced Setting if you want to install CE. I instaled, Beta installer 7, first nothing, after reboot, no shut down, reboot, enabled CE repos and it worked.
@stephenw10 I just tried on a mini PC HUNSN, installer works very messy, at boot as i get it to work after 2 Hours with pfsense CE iso, it does not show pfsense, but FreeBSD.
I didn't get to install from netgate Beta 7 installer. error coud not get something like time, pkg ..I checked Mini PC with Windows , Linux, works perfect.
You have any logs or screenshots of the specific errors?
@stephenw10 No, but it was something like /mnt error and time sync pkgs
@mak73 i gave up for now, i tried 4 hours, always the same, and at the end of my old iso 2.7.2 showed also some write error. I'll wait, maybe in near future will be ok.
Hmm, well if you can replicate it and get the actual errors we can look at it. It should show why it's failing there.
@stephenw10 i will try again over the Weekend, and i send you Photo
@mak73 So i tried again,
the problem is that i want to use UFS, not ZFS, with ZFS i can installs, but GUI is a littlte bit slow somehow. But i don't want to use ZFS with one nvme SSD.THX
You can choose UFS in the Net Installer. Is that causing a problem somehow?
@stephenw10 Yes, i tried many times.
@mak73 But i want to inform that in VirtualBox i installed with UFS and there was not a problem.
What is also annoying, is , i have connected a Cherry Keyboard, and on some 30 seconds comes connected, disconnected, but it works, and would be nice to choose Keyboard Layout language.
Later, after installation with ZFS, i made a Ports Alias (80,443,25,...) Whole Internet Range, than Guest VLAN, with a Firewall Rule, first Allow DNS, than allow Alias, the Guests gets a ip, but no Internet.
In VirtualBox all of this works great. I still think that the problem is somehow within installation.
Maybe is a Hardware conditional.
Latter i installed a ipfire to test of maybe defective Hardware, but all worked out. -
Hmm, so, to be clear, you can install as UFS in VBox? But fails in some other device?
Connectivity issues after install are not related to the installer.
@stephenw10 Yes. Right.
OK so how does it fail when you try to install on that other device?
What is that other device?