System Patches Plugin
Hello; I am wondering if its a good idea to make sure all the Patches under System\Patches are always kept up to date and "Applied".
As in, currently nothing is broken for me (on CE2.7.2) - do i leave it as is, or will updating everything benefit me?
Have their been issues with others once they applied all?
Thank you,
The "patches" are mostly GUI updates.
If, for example, a patch updates a OpenVPN functionality, and you don't use OpenVPN, the patch isn't important for you.@CloudNode said in System Patches Plugin:
Have their been issues with others once they applied all?
These patches will be part of the upcoming version.
The patches in the recommended list should be fine to apply and are, as the name implies
, recommended. Some of those address potential security issues so you wouldn't see anything broken without it.
Excellent; thanks folks! I will apply them to my backup pfSense first and then main.
Also, is a complete reboot required after the install? Or just restart the services it mentions in the description (ie. ssh, etc..)
Just patch and enjoy.
A restart of a service, like when SSH startup parameters change, is actually quiet rare. -
For most patches nothing further is required. However some of the recommended patches for 2.7.2 do so I would reboot after applying to be sure. When restarting or rebooting is required it's noted in the patch description.