[[error:blaclisted=ip]] to open netgate forum when using pfsense.
There's only one IP listed as having logged in successfully here. I assume it was a different IP that failed? Do you know what it was?
@stephenw10 Please be inform, it a different IP. The current one is bind with ddns mhdfauzanmus.ddns.net
Yup that is inside which is blacklisted by forum spam trackers.
@stephenw10 ahhh. no wonder. this not good. ahaha is TIME Fiber ISP. I don't know if they can give me other IP or not.
@stephenw10 does VPN is the only option to access? As I checked, forum netgate not support ipv6.
@mhdfauzanmus said in [[error:blaclisted=ip]] to open netgate forum when using pfsense.:
@stephenw10 does VPN is the only option to access? As I checked, forum netgate not support ipv6.
IPv6 is enabled on the Netgate forum.
Check with your internet service provider to see if they support IPv6 connectivity.
Yes it certainly should allow IPv6.
@mhdfauzanmus said in [[error:blaclisted=ip]] to open netgate forum when using pfsense.:
As I checked, forum netgate not support ipv6.
Check again.
I'm accessing forum.netgate.com using IPv6 for years now.
is also blacklisted. There must be a lot of spam coming from that ISP to have seen both v4 and v6 listed like that.Unfortunately there's no way to whitelist addresses but I imagine that is also dynamic anyway?
@stephenw10 yes it dynamic, but it still in same subnet if I keep rebooting to get other IP. The only option I have is to use my mobile data or vpn. The subnet is belong to ISP TIME FIBER in Malaysia. To say it have a lot of spammer I truely don't know. This ISP is popular but not all people can use it. It only available at some high residential at big city. They don't have big coverage. But again, I will try ask them if able to change other IP.
Hmm, well let me see what I can do here. Do you get an IP from a smaller subnet within that?
I received same error today : [[error:blacklisted-ip]]
right now using VPN to access forum.
any solution to this problem? can anyone whitelist my IPs? I have 3 WAN IPs -
They are are static IPs? If you send them to me in chat I can check them. I can't whitelist individual IPs though.
@stephenw10 yes, static IPs, sending you in DM. please check