BGPd loses default route on line hiccup
Hi all,
I lost connection to my ISP for about 30 seconds, the internet came back up fine but the BGP lost the default route which is provided by the ISP under status/ Openbgpd routing. How can I get this to fix itself without manual intervention? This is pfsense 2.2.6, would this be fixed in the latest version?
my config redacted:
AS 5xxx1
fib-update yes
holdtime 90
listen on 216.x.x.194
network 162.x.x.0/24
network 162.x.x.0/24
neighbor 216.x.x.193 {
descr "BELL"
tcp md5sig password Bell2016
remote-as 577
local-address 216.x.x.194
deny from any
deny to any
allow from 216.x.x.193
allow to 216.x.x.193what routing table should look like when its working under status openbgpd routing:
flags: * = Valid, > = Selected, I = via IBGP, A = Announced, S = Stale
origin: i = IGP, e = EGP, ? = Incompleteflags destination gateway lpref med aspath origin
> 216.x.x.193 100 0 577 i
AI> 162.x.x.0/24 100 0 i
AI*> 162.x.x.0/24 100 0 i