Change web-gui language
I have a device with PF Sense + installed but it is set to Chinese. Can someone walk me through the steps to change it to English. I can't read Chinese so telling me to hit a menu by name will not help. I need someone to tell me go the the nth menu on top and click it, go town n number of items and click etc. Thanks.
Can you access the console or ssh into it? Which pfSense version?
If so edit the config from the command line and remove the <language></language> tags. You can use the easy editor like:
ee /cf/conf/config.xml
Then reboot.
It's hard to give step-by-step instructions because the menus change order depending on the language set.
However you can probably see which menu you need by the linked url when you mouse-over it. The page you need (General Setup) is: https://your_firewall_name/system.php
Probably this:
Then this:
@stephenw10 Thank you, I used your second suggestion going to system.php, scrolled down and was able to find and change location and language. I guessed that the button at the bottom submitted the changes and it camer up in English.