Unbound correct settings?
Hello in custom options have these settings:
Next dns service use almost all security and private settings ON.
Do I need still keeping in Unbound dnssec enable and prefetch support enable?
ALso nextdns settings:
Do I need keep Query Name Minimization in this case in Unbound?
@Antibiotic if you forward dnssec makes no sense, since where you forward is either doing dnssec or they are not..
If your forwarding qname makes little sense, since you are going to be asking them for the fqdn - qname min is when you resolve
And you only send tld to the roots, and then the domain.tld to the gold level NS.. and then only send the fqdn to the actual authoritative ns for what your looking for.
@johnpoz So better and correct do not use these settings in unbound in my situation? Is it correct? What about prefetch?
@Antibiotic yeah qname and dnssec make no sense if forwarding - prefetch works for both resolve and forward. But you can uncheck the other dnssec stuff if you want as well. But if you uncheck dnssec, those other settings shouldn't really be doing anything.
@johnpoz Thanks