SG2100 100% CPU usage post upgrade to 24.11
@mtarbox Possibly helpful, Have not upgraded any yet myself.
J jimp moved this topic from Problems Installing or Upgrading pfSense Software on
@SteveITS Kea was enabled from before with no DNS registration/Early DNS registration.
I enabled them, and will sit on it for a bit.
I have a whopping 21 leases. -
The tldr is:
There was an issue with dashboard widgets not refreshing at the intended intervals. That's been fixed, but it also means more requests / higher resource usage while the dashboard is opened. This is likely what's happening in your case. You may ignore it (monitor usage over SSH instead) or bump up the widget intervals.For reference and troubleshooting tips, see: -
@marcosm and @SteveITS thank you for the responses and links.
@jimp thank you for moving my post to the appropriate spot.
I nuked the dashboard. I disabled update check in the system widget, and CPU usage dropped significantly. Definitely feel more comfortable.Of note, this unit is almost 4 years old, and was due to be replaced in next years budget. I kept my boss in the loop, and when Sharon@netgate sent out the email yesterday with the sale price, I was told to buy a new 4200. Just waiting on a response from sales.
I'll decom this one, and keep it as a spare. Maybe fire it up to update as needed.
I'm having the same issue, any tips?
I'm running this at home, so I have pretty minimal packages.
avahiAny tips?
See this post:
@bumperjeep Like I wrote, I nuked my dashboard, and removed every widget, disabled update check in the system widget, and then added widgets as see what happened with each one. So far, so good on my end.
I went from 99% to 30-50%, which was where I was normally. YMMV. -
this was an odd issue that seemed to clear up after removing all widgets and re-adding them back.
@smirkis I noted the same thing. Luckily our new 4200 arrives on Monday. Already have the new config from TAC. Iāll decom this one and install a new storage drive and install the new image from TAC as well, and keep it as a spare.
I have 100% CPU on SG-2440 dashboard post 24.11 upgrade when GUI is open. From ssh shell top command CPU has about 0% idle when GUI active. GUI is very unresponsive and has crashed twice. As soon as I log out from GUI, CPU idle starts to change with tops over 90% idle.
No Wireguard in use. KEA was enabled on 24.03.
This is old device and several packages active, Most active are ntopng and unbound. Snort and pfBlocker also active. Memory usage is reasonable 50% of 4GB.
Not SG2100 or SG1100 but similar behavior. -
What widgets do you have on the dash?
Did you try the suggested patch to revert the widget refresh method?