Unable to update without turning off firewall
I have upgraded from 2.6.0 via 2.7.0 to 2.7.2
Yes. Accessing from the LAN side is ok.
This is a lab environment and I have control over most of what is beyond the WAN.
Date and time is ok. However, I do have an out of date certificate on the box, but I fail to see that it could be problematic only when the firewall is active. Do you think it could be the problem?
Wait ... you might have to type the special @stephenw10 command ....
I would expect to see a cert error there if it was a cert problem at either end. It's just timing out as I understand it though I don't see the actual error.
The states show it is connecting but then just fails.
Try a pcap on the WAN filtered by the destination IP then run the update.
Could be an MTU issue perhaps.
Thanks for answering. Unfortunately I don't get to work with this until tuesday next week. I'll do a capture then.I agree that it looks like a packet size issue, but I don't see how it could be, as the packets getting sent should not change size just because I turn off the firewall?
Well with pf-scrub it re-assembles fragments.... or tries to.
Good morning,I got to do the capture today. I must admit that I don't know what to make of it.
I'll try to attach it here. -
Hmm, interesting. Other traffic is passi8ng the firewall OK?
The pkg server never sees the ACK packet from pfSense so it just keeps sending SYN-ACK and never moves past that.
If you look at the MAC addresses you might have some asymmetry somewhere because pfSense is sending to 60:15:2b:fe:f1:11 but the replies comes back from 00:10:db:ff:10:00.
Which of those is the expected gateway MAC/IP?You don't see anything blocked in pfSense?
Awesome! That was the answer.
I have 2 gateways in the same subnet connected to the router for test purposes, and somehow it was using the non-default one for outgoing traffic.
I never noticed that the traffic was asymmetric. Thanks for pointing it out for me.Mario
Aha, that would do it. Nice.