ATT Internet AIr
I did not check for "blocked traffic". If I test again this PM would I just fail the WAN and then check the logs for the firewall? And where / how is best way to monitor or look for "states" on port 53?
As far as the Frontier WAN interface -- the gateway on the status page shows red or "offliine" for much longer than expected (like a couple minutes), then it flashes to blue "unknown", then back to offline, then back to blue unknown -- ultimately after 4 or 5 minutes it settles in on blue unknown and just never links back up. I then tried reset states --- Ulitmately the only thing that lets it reconnect is just go to Diagnostics and choose "normal reboot". Back online , like normal, after the reboot.
@ahole4sure I guess the two problems are separate and not necessarily related. So on the first one about the DNS issue, which I responded to, have you checked the settings for the resolver? Which interfaces have you selected for it to use?
In the forwarder, there is no such setting and I assume it's automatic as @stephenw10 suggests. -
Go to Diag > States and filter by
What is logged in the System and Gateway logs when you reconnect the Frontier modem?
How are you running the failover test? Physically unplugging something? -
@stephenw10 I'll have to retest and check the logs
And yes to fail - I just unplug the ethernet cord from the back of the frontier modem
Here are the screen shots of the info
Apologies and thanks for help!!They start with states during failover
Show the DNS error on web browser
(the is with Forwarder Mode off under DNS Resolver settings)Then shows what happens after waiting for Frontier WAN to come back up
Ultimately would not fully connect and come back up untill full reboot of pfsense
I have checked ALL for bothIs that correct?
Hmm, no DNS states shown there on states with ports starting with 53. You might need to filter differently to see that in the states.
I don't see the link state change in the logs there. Does it actually show the that when you reconnect the modem?
@ahole4sure said in ATT Internet AIr:
I have checked ALL for bothIs that correct?
Yes that is correct, and I'm starting to think that ATT is actually blocking access to authoritative servers... If this is true you either have to stick to Forwarder mode, or ask ATT to stop blocking. I wonder if there is some setting you can change for your account perhaps?
On the fiber issue, there are a few things that stand out to me.
Gateway shows an IP but status is pending. So that IP is probably cached data in pfsense, the link is up (eth to frontier box) but pfsense has not verified the DHCP lease?
I notice you have IPv6 enabled on the fiber WAN. Could that cause issues? Try disabling it and see if that makes any difference when testing?
Have you tried pulling the fiber instead of the ethernet cable to pfsense? If that is possible to do?
Keeping the physical link up on pfsense interface thoughout the test... If there is something on that side that isn't really working as it should?
If you look at the dashboard instead of Status / Gateways, you will also see the negotiated settings for the interface. Does that seem ok, and is it the same before and after pulling and reconnecting the cable?
Yes it does show this when I reconnect the Frontier fiber modem -- I will have to try it again this PM to try to get the states again
As far as ATT - wonder if @Gblenn is correct - I have been reading that ATT has some sort of DNS assist that could be hijacking my DNS queries -- not sure how to determine that.
I will retest with IPv6 disableld tonight ! I see (after some ressearch) that ATT could be hijacking the DNS. I will look into this. Thanks -
Yes if they're redirecting DNS that would break the resolver.
@ahole4sure Why can't ISP's just leave things alone... I'm assuming, since you run the modem(s) in passthrough mode, that it's not in the device that is being blocked, or is it?
I'm thinking you need to log in to their portal (your accounts) to disable that "helper feature"...