In need a firmware for my bricked 3100. no free support available
@Nellies you can download the installer for free. And or you can always open a tac case for free. While you can't get support for like how to configure it.. You do get support for the thing isn't booting sort of support.
But the new installer can just be downloaded - before with netgate appliances you use to have to open a tac case to get them, always free to get the installer for their equipment.
I dont see it for the 3100 :-(
@Nellies you download the new installer - you have to go to the store, which seems like it does not - my bad.
If that doesn't work for the 3100? Then open a tac case
It Worked, thnx
@Nellies yeah tac is normally johhny on the spot.. I have gotten link for download in the past in couple of minutes, think longest was like 20 minutes and that was right when a version dropped and you know they had to have been swamped with tickets.
So your 3100 is back in business?