SG-1100 Storage Health Questions
I came across an advisory on reddit to check storage health on pfsense appliances if eMMC storage is used.
I have an SG-1100. Following netgate instructions I have:
eMMC Firmware Version: 73103517
eMMC Life Time Estimation A [EXT_CSD_DEVICE_LIFE_TIME_EST_TYP_A]: 0x03
eMMC Life Time Estimation B [EXT_CSD_DEVICE_LIFE_TIME_EST_TYP_B]: 0x08
eMMC Pre EOL information [EXT_CSD_PRE_EOL_INFO]: 0x01Two questions please.
Is this something I need to worry about in the immediate future? I really like the appliance but replacing it with another one that will have the same issue in 2 years.
I assume storage cannot be replaced or upgraded on this device?
thank you
@BGSmith Your eMMC drive doesnt look good. Although those are estimates i would go with caution and figure out a replacement strategy.
To avoid this in the future especially on another SG1100, you should really tune down the logging particular from packages like pfblocker if used. Firewall rules should not have logging enabled. After 6 months of service my 1100 drive is still in healthy condition following my advice. MMV
@michmoor - thanks. Much appreciated. I will start to evaluate options. The SG-1100 pretty much does firewall only work, although I recently enable DNS-over-TLS which the pihole on the lan uses as an upstream dns source.
I will double check logging on the firewall rules.
best regards
@BGSmith Let me revise what i stated above.
Using the documentation as a guide, your disk life isnt terrible actually. I would still highly suggest you tune the logging on your device.
@BGSmith this list may help:
@SteveITS - thank you
@BGSmith I wrote the advisory, and I am glad it helped you identify that your storage device is at risk before your 1100 just suddenly died.
Uninstalling packages and disabling as much logging as possible (including all the logging that is enabled by DEFAULT), and using ramdisks should help conserve the remaining storage life.
@andrew_cb - thank you
@BGSmith I suggest you migrate from eMMC to USB flash storage. I did, and it was easy.
@jared-silva : Appreciate the link and tip. I was wondering whether this was feasible.