How to update to the latest Tailscale version?
PFSense 24.11
pkg add -f
Tailscale version
go version: go1.23.3 -
@elvisimprsntr Are you ignoring the kernel version of CE? Mine is at 14.0 and it appears that the version you site was built for 14.1.
Safe to ignore?Fetching tailscale-1.78.1.pkg: 100% 11 MiB 11.0MB/s 00:01 Installing tailscale-1.78.1... Newer FreeBSD version for package tailscale: To ignore this error set IGNORE_OSVERSION=yes - package: 1401000 - running kernel: 1400094 Ignore the mismatch and continue? [y/N]:
I had no issues.
It appears the AMD 14 packages are missing, can't even point a browser to them at
The arch64 are there.
Anybody know what's up?
@cayossarian Hi, I also couldnt open your link, but went manually here ->
Looks like just the directory is down where your Link is pointing to, why? I have no clue... but could browse the rest there one folder level up of your link
It's currently on 1.78.1_1
pkg add -f
I think they are in the process of compiling 1.80.0.
@elvisimprsntr Coool, Thanks & Cheers
Upgraded 2.7.2 CE to 1.80.0
pkg add -f
I have two questions regarding this topic.-
Is it necessary to update the tailscale package if its not pushed through the normal package manager process in pfsense? Why are we updating 'out of band' ?
Why isn't Netgate taking care of updating the package if they took time out to develop the package for pfsense in the first place. More of a question for @cmcdonald
- Current official pfSense package includes Tailscale 1.54.0 from November 2023.
There are a number of improvements and security updates that have been released in Tailscale, some of which may be necessary for compatibility with other clients.
- Because @cmcdonald is overworked?
@elvisimprsntr Love your frequent update command you post here
Thank you so much -
PFSense 2.7.2 CE
disabled Tailscale
uninstalled Tailscale
installed 1.80.0 from cli
installed Tailscale from package manager
enabled Tailscaleeverything worked fine and Tailscale up and running and showed in admin panel as connected.
until I tried to restart the service. It crashed PFsense.
When I stop and start or restart Tailscale it crashes PFsense completely. I can't connect to PFSense or ssh to it.
Any one with this issue?
I have never uninstalled the official pfSense package or disabled TS. I simply update the TS client from the CLI.
I suspect something you did or the order in which you performed it created a conflict.
@elvisimprsntr I did it the same way like you, never had a problem, all working fine, installed initially the pfsense Tailscale base package, and then updated, if new version appeared, in cli, up to the current v.1.8.0 Tailscale version. Thanks to all, who care and inform community if a new version of Tailscale is avaible!
Is this still possible?, I seem to get nothing but pkg: An error occurred while fetching package
in pfsense 2.7.2 trying any of the above urls and 404 errors when trying the pkg urls direct.I have searched on the freeBSD package system and the links seem to just go around in circles with no valid pkg at the end of them.
I have tried editing the freeBSD repo in pfsense and changing the enabled to yes , 2 places, am I missing something here?
I do not normally use any 3rd party or out of band apps on production firewalls but the subnet routing I have on a synology with the same package is 10-20 times slower than the pfsense+ version 1.76 and the CE version 1.54 is no longer supported by headscale. I have about 8 CE boxes and 6 Plus boxes, be good if I could get them all up to latest tailscale and ditch the synology sloth :-D
@PsyMan2000 I don't remember which BSD version, i.e. 14 or 15, 2.7.2 is running but these links/cmds should work. There also seems to be a new version coming soon. Also these are for amd64 cpus and not arm. You can also check if the link is working by removing the pkg add from the beginning of the cmd and pasting the link into a browser.
BSD 14
pkg add 15
pkg add -
I have been having random issues with tailscale not working correctly from my iPhone to my pfsense exit node for quite awhile now.
Are there any downsides to upgrading the tailscale package this way? Would I be able to go back to the official package at some point?
Are there any downsides to upgrading the tailscale package this way?
None that I have experienced so far.
Would I be able to go back to the official package at some point?
Yes you can uninstall the manual update and the official release from the package manager. Then just reinstall the official release again from the package manager.
@smurph82 Thanks for that, only just had time to revisit this, that seems to work great. Also seems to advertise the routes OK with the latest headscale docker based server so all is good.
I did try using the command via the GUI first but the hit Y stopped play, console shell worked though. Must look for the -y flag option when I remember :-)
I also had to use the -f flag to force the install as without that it told me the latest was already installed (1.54)
pkg add -f
Thats what got it over the line
Thanks again