4100 dead no Power GND
I have a dead 4100. The 3 LEDs on the back are solid orange and two purple. When i check the status LEDs on the board the Flash LEDs are green but not any of the Power to GND LEDs. After I inspected the board i found that C1088 was teared of so i tried resoldering which didnt help and also removed it completly for now. Anything else I could check?
I dont get output on the console ports. -
Hmm, doesn't sound good.
That was component physically removed? Do you have a picture?
@stephenw10 i have desoldered the compoment. It was physically removed before, i dont know if it was from me opening the device or was like this before. Have to say this was not my best soldering job but i havent cleaned it up yet.
Urgh. Not sure if anything can be done there. I assume you initially tried refitting the capacitor?
@stephenw10 yes i did but the capacitor seems to be broken anyway
Hmm, C1088 is wired in parallel with C1085 and C1087 and is buffering the USB 5V rail. So I would not expect it to prevent POST. I suspect there is other damage present unfortunately.
@stephenw10 do you know what else i could check or is it a lost cause?
Well if the initial capacitor was somehow removed by physical damage I would check for any other damage first.
Make sure the buttons are not stuck down.
@stephenw10 checked but no more obvious damage on the board.
Well you could try replacing that capacitor but I'm not too hopeful.