Problems after backup import (after reinstall)
I had to reinstall pfSense Plus 24.03 after I ran into problems because of a full disk.
The backup import after reinstall I get issues:
- some packages do not install
- wireguard menu entry dissapears
- the OpenVPN serice for some connections can't be started.
The backup is for the same version, 24.03.
I've tried installing the packages before importing the backup, but I get the same issue after importing, plus some new ones: unable to access GUI for the homepage, pfBlocker NG and Wireguard.
I've read on this forum that Service Watchdog can cause problems. I removed all services from this package (I cannot remove it, I get en error saying that another upgrade process is running).
What are my options here?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I was thinking of maybe restoring all the settings from the backup, except the packages.
Is there a better option?
@PlasticTarot What do the logs say after the restore/reboot? It should install the packages. DNS working on pfSense itself?
I found the update check can take a while, try your attempt again in 5-15 minutes. I recently upgraded several from 24.03 to 24.11 and had to wait on all of them to start it. Didn’t seem to be an issue yesterday coming from 23.09…
Thanks, it does help to wait.
I've installed ver. 24.11, even if my backup was for 24.03, then I've installed all my packages. Only after this I've restored the backup without the packages (I've removed everything for the tag <installedpackages> after I've decrypted my backup).
This worked fine. I've then restored Wireguard, then pfBlocker, from an edited bacckup. The pfSense worked fine after this.
I've then restored all my packages from the backup. Since then, the CPU is at 100% and the GUI is slow. There's something going on, but not sure what. I might need to reinstall the system and manually configure some packets, without a full restore.
@PlasticTarot said in Problems after backup import (after reinstall):
the CPU is at 100% and the GUI is slow.
If that’s while viewing the dashboard, that’s a known issue with widget refresh. There’s a patch to revert widget updating behavior, or just don’t keep the dashboard open.
Check Diag > System Activity. It might be a stuck pkg process.