Did they brick pfSense Plus on your own hardware?
So I have been using the free version of pfSense Plus for years. I have really never had need to look into the package system for a long time. Recently, I happened to take a look in there and I could not get a list of available packages. When I look under the hood, I am being told that pfSense.conf does not exist.
I have fiddled around and read about this but it seems good and broken. I have reverted to CE but that is lame given the current CE version's DHCP system and DNS is broken unless you revert to ICS DHCP.
Anyway, this is frustrating to say the least. When I chose update to Plus, it seemed that it would be available long term for personal use. Anyone have any ideas on if this is bricked for me forever?
And I have tried restoring backups up to 300 days old and it still has the same issue loading available packages. So it has been Effed for a long time.
Hoping for some guidance on this one. In a perfect world, I would just reinstall and load the config, but Plus is no longer available for home users.
What's your NDI? Send it to me in chat and I can check it.
It probably changed due to a hardware change since it was registered.
The title of this thread is going to be the title of someone's YouTube video soon. It will feature an over exaggerated photo of the person looking at a smoking router.
The NDI is sent.
And yes, hardware has changed a lot as I migrated to new hosts and grew the ZFS drives from 8GB to 25GB. Expanded the freebsd-ZFS mount point with
gpart resize -i 3 da0/1
and all seems to be working well in that regard. But - as I said - in a perfect world I would spin up a new pfSense Plus VM to eliminate any artifacts that may be present from years of use.Thank you for the help - hope to hear back from you soon.
Working with Netgate on this. Nice that there may be a way for me to keep Plus rolling for a little while longer. :)
Reason for the issues are a changing NDI due to adding a NIC. The NDI seems to change for a lot of reasons :|
Back on Plus - thank you @stephenw10.
Given I do not really mess with my firewall much, this should be stable for a while as long as I do not change any hardware. It would be neat if the NDI did not change with simple hardware changes. I get it, but man alive, I hope I never have to change anything. Time will tell.