Multi-WAN keeps UDP state too long for IAX2 / port 4569
We have pfsense set up in a multi-wan environment. Works fine, as it should.
However, when we pull the plug on one WAN connection, the Asterisk box CANNOT register across IAX2 (port 4569) to the remote VOIP provider. This caused me fits trying to debug until I started doing TCPDUMP on each interface. I realized that the VOIP machine on the LAN was sending IAX2 packets. The LAN interface on the pfsense was receiving them. However, it would try to keep sending them out the DOWN WAN interface. Indefinitely, as far as I can tell.
This SHOULDN'T be according to this:
pfctl -st
tcp.first 30s
tcp.opening 5s
tcp.established 18000s
tcp.closing 60s
tcp.finwait 30s
tcp.closed 30s
tcp.tsdiff 10s
udp.first 60s
udp.single 30s
udp.multiple 60s
icmp.first 20s
icmp.error 10s
other.first 60s
other.single 30s
other.multiple 60s
frag 30s
interval 10s
adaptive.start 120600 states
adaptive.end 241200 states
src.track 0sIf I go into pfsense and DELETE the two UDP states for the LAN and the "down" WAN interfaces, then the VOIP box immediately is able to "see" the new route through the alternate WAN2 interface.
We need to fix this somehow. How do we set pfsense using ANY type of configuration so that it will remove this UDP state sooner. 30-60 seconds would be ok. But this doesn't happen ever. It can sit there for minutes on end with no transition from the down WAN to the up WAN2 in the gateway group.
I have tried setting the firewall settings to both Conservative and Aggressive. Neither helped.
ALL OTHER TRAFFIC seems to behave properly.
So, lots of views on this topic, but no replies. Based on previous research on this in the forum before posting this topic, it seems like this IS and HAS BEEN an issue for a long time. Do the developers not have any input on this?
Should this be listed as a bug, or is this an intended feature? If UDP maintains state longer than the default timeout, it seems like a bug.