Reinserting server into CARP cluster after disaster recovery
Hi all,
I have two Supermicro 2758 servers I've been running in a CARP failover setup for about two years. I recently had trouble with both boxes when upgrading from 2.3.4 to 2.4.2. I eventually sorted this out on one machine, but a failed update hosed the filesystem on the other to the point where I reinstalled pfSense 2.4.2 from the ISO and used AutoConfigBackup to restore its configuration.
Do I have to do anything special when reinserting this box back into production? They are now both running the same version of pfSense. The box that got hosed usually served as the backup device in the failover, but I was having some issues recently with this server deciding to become the master instead. I don't want the day-old stale info from the restore file running downhill into the other router. Should I manually set the skew on the box I reimaged to a higher value?
Thanks for any help you can provide.