DHCPs assign wrong pools
Sounds almost like you're doing something that the current code can't handle. We'll await your patch.
um what is the point to use 2nd device if i have all avelible ports on my curent device… 1 WAN, 2 LAN, 1 Wireless....
the point of all of that is that I want to run captive portal for both desktops and wireless from the same device... + i need to have 1 port that is not beeing identificated... this is regular setup for alll commersiall productsas to the LAN nmaming confusion.... on diagram i just added logical port... so i needed the name for it....
You need to be a little more descriptive. What is the 2nd device you refer to? The switch?
well i can ask my programmers to rwite it, since we where to write full OS on our own, but thats too hard…
and even if we will write it for you I have no idea how to integrate it with what you have -
You need to be a little more descriptive. What is the 2nd device you refer to? The switch?
Second device is the Linsys as you advised….
Okay, and what is current device?
well i can ask my programmers to rwite it, since we where to write full OS on our own, but thats too hard…
and even if we will write it for you I have no idea how to integrate it with what you haveUhh, if you write it, you'd be integrating it. Kinda dumb to reinvent the wheel when you can just make it a little rounder.
yes, i can plug in the device but that is a point of failure… and i know that the thing (wire) wont be there in some install and then I will have to trevvel all acros the country to fix the problem ......aaaa
I want regular setup like Cisco or Dlink or Zyxel -
Then i suggest you buy a Cisco or Dlink or Zyxel :)
Kinda dumb to reinvent the wheel when you can just make it a little rounder.
Sometimes its faster to start from scrach….
and curent device is the WRAP board
Then i suggest you buy a Cisco or Dlink or Zyxel :)
I have them, wanna buy some of them from me? lol…
the problem with them is (are): Low power radio, limited qos, limited hotspot functionality... and for Dlink is no stability...
I just looked back over your diagrams and I have no clue what you're trying to spell out there.
From what I have loosely gathered (and I really do mean loosely), my suggestion is to bridge LAN(SIS0) to OPT1(SIS2) and plug the 1st LAN network into SIS0. Plug the second LAN network into SIS2. Finally plug you're wireless segment into the LAN1 or LAN2 network.
Without showing us all the devices in use (switches and other interconnecting devices) and where everything is plugged in (and that doesn't mean draw a line to a box that says WAN). For example, is the WAN box in your drawing supposed to be pfSense?
We really want to help you but we are not getting the entire picture since you are in such a rush to bang out responses very rapidly using nouns to describe items that you should be describing by names, etc.
Please take a moment and spell out the entire picture so we can help you. Otherwise we are over here pissing in the dark trying to understand you're setup fully and not guessing what current device is, old device, new device, my next year device and finally the device i plan on selling yesterday. Make sense?
ok, will do…
Then i suggest you buy a Cisco or Dlink or Zyxel :)
Or maybe explain yourself better. From reading this, I don't think any of us have the slightest clue what on earth you're trying to accomplish. A network diagram might be helpful.
Ok, I thought about how to explain what I’m thinking about … so what I want is this:
4 ports:
WAN (sis0) [Assigned by DHCP]
LAN Local (sis1) [Runs as DHCP server pool -, provides internet connectivity from WAN port], NetBIOS ports are Allowed
LAN Authentication (sis2) – Runs DHCP with pool -, Connected to the hotspot (captive portal) so all users need to have username/password, NetBIOS ports are filtered
Wireless Authentication (ath0) – Uses, the same DHCP as the “LAN Authentication (Sis2) and assigns the same pool IP addresses, is connected to HotSpot (captive portal) so all users mast use their username/password, NetBIOS ports are filtered
Explanation of the need:
Internet connected to WAN is distributed across all available ports, on LAN Local (sis0) any computer connected is allowed to go on the internet without any restriction, they also can use Windows File Sharing and see each other on the network.Other 2 ports LAN Authentication and Wireless Authentication are connected to the captive portal (HotSpot) and require using their usernames and passwords to get access to the Internet; they don’t have ability to share files because NetBios ports are disabled on that subnet. The reason to have 2 ports for Captive portal because the LAN Authentication (sis2) port will be used for desktop machines and Wireless Authentication (ath0) port will be used for Mobile clients that are in the range.
Yes we can use only one LAN Authentication and connect the AP to that port, but that would be unreasonable not to utilize the hardware possibilities that in my case WRAP box has. So I want to have this scenario. That’s what Dlink has, and the reason I am not using Dlink is because they have only 80mW radios inside, so I want to have my own access points and or HotSpot controllers…
Did I make myself clear now?
Okay, thanks for taking the time. This is crystal clear now.
I have bad news, I just tested the Captive Portal on a bridge interface and its not working. This will not work for 1.0 but will work for 1.1 after we rewrite the interface handling code where the Captive Portal can attach to the bridgeX port vs. the real port.
yea bad news, but since you are oing to update Captive portal….
I wonder if it can supportt this features (with or withour RADIUS)
-Speed Control that is assosiated to the user account
-Port controll (like we want to black port 80 for username 'JDoe')
-Capture POP3 traffic and send infor so pepople know they need to login -
We are not changing anything for 1.0. It's too late in the release process. Sorry.
and when are u going to work on 1.1?
Soon, but its not being released for a long time.
1.0 is not even releasedl – its our priority.
too bad for me….. :-[