Microdrive as a replacement for CF?
If you boot the LiveCD and install to the microdrive then you will have all functionality of pfSense.
is it possible to install full functional pfsense on 1 GB CF card over LiveCD for Wrap
is it possible to install full functional pfsense on 1 GB CF card over LiveCD for Wrap
Yep, but the kernel may not boot if video and such are enabled.
how can i change the parameter?
how can i change the parameter?
Its not that easy. You would have to copy a kernel from the embedded version.
I have on my wrap the version 0.94.12 install can i download the kernel over wrap or must i use a cf reader with pc and linux to copy kernel
I have on my wrap the version 0.94.12 install can i download the kernel over wrap or must i use a cf reader with pc and linux to copy kernel
Copy the kernel from /boot/kernel/kernel to somewhere
Install pfSense but before letting it reboot hit ctrl-c to cancel the reboot
Copy the kernel to /boot/kernel/kernel
Oh, did I mention this isn't supported? Good luck.
I testet it ;D
I have on my wrap the version 0.94.12 install can i download the kernel over wrap or must i use a cf reader with pc and linux to copy kernel
Copy the kernel from /boot/kernel/kernel to somewhere
Install pfSense but before letting it reboot hit ctrl-c to cancel the reboot
Copy the kernel to /boot/kernel/kernel
Oh, did I mention this isn't supported? Good luck.
So I first copy the embedded kernal to somewhere on my PC
Boot up the full live CD and install on my CF
Stop the reboot
Copy the the embedded kernal over to my CF (overwriting the full kernal)Is that it?
Other then that, the install process is the standard WRAP process found on the tutorial?
Continuing my thread…..
I'm not a developer, so forgive an obviously dumb question:
Would it be possible to create an embedded image that has the full fuctionality of pfSense, but one that uses a RAM drive to store all the major logging and read-write changes that would kill a normal CF card? Certainly Linux distros like DSL or Puppy, I think, do something similar as to limit the number of read-writes needed except for configuration changes.
Has an approach like this been thought of for pfSense? Is it possible? ???
We have 2 methods of developing you're own image. The VMWare developers edition and the pfSense developers edition.
We do not plan on adding more work to a already complicated/time cosnuming release process.