NOkIA ip330 works great
Hi just thought I'd let people know. I got hold of a few NOKIA ip330's. Pfsense works great so far. Haven't played around with advanced features yet but so far so good. I found it also alot easier to get up and runnig than monowall. pfsense auto assigned MAC's to the first 2 ports only the 3rd port was FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF. But I was able to spoof it in the web gui, fantastic feature. in monowall I have to edit the config file and add spoof for all nics. I also tried out the manual firmware update, I downloaded the current snapshot 2/5 and uploaded it no problem. great software. I look forward to playing with this and seeing were the project goes. Great work. I will post back if anything odd pops up with the NOKIA.
How to install pfsense in a nokia ip330
1. remove the hard drive from the ip330 and put it in a desktop pc as master/primary controller
2. boot from the live cd and do option 99
3. once the os is installed remove the hard drive and place it back in the ip330
4. boot to the counsel and setup pfsense
5 log on to the web gui and finish your setupSome problems I ran into:
Not all the hard drives that come with the NOKIA are in good shape. I had errors loading pfsense on the 20gb hard drive that came with the system.(install errors) so I found a 8GB hard drive and it worked fine.DHCP on lan side did not initialize on first setup:( had to try 2 things on different machines to get it to work)
1. Just reboot :)
2.if reboot didn't work try resetting to factory deflates and setup againHope this helps:)
Now using the NOKIA for port forwarding to lan side FTP, HTTP, and 2000 terminal servers. Working great so far. Speed seems OK only have 15 clients that access the terminal server but no reported problems so far.
Something I have noticed about the nokia products in general is that the hardware used is very standardized, I haven't seen one of there commercial firewalls which couldn't be modded.
Any advice on booting to the console?
Any advice on booting to the console?
HI you need a null modem serial cable. I got one at compusa about $15. you can get them cheaper online.
1.Connect the cable to you first serial port(com1 usually the top one if you have 2) on the back of your PC. You must make sure the serial port is enabbled in the bios of the PC
2. connect the other end of the null modem cable to the consule port(not the serial port) of the NOKIA (do not turn on yet)
3. On your PC open hyper terminal and create a new connection choose com1 and make sure of the following settings
Bits per second 9600
Data bits 8
Parity NONE
Stop bits 1
Flow control Hardware
Hit ok and you should see a blinking curser in the uper left hand corner.
4. Now turn on the NOKIA and you should see the bootup in the hyper terminal screen.
Hope this helps
When you installed pfsense on the hdd after the 99 command did you reboot and then turn the installation computer off remove the hdd and put in the IP330, or did you reboot after installation and do any kind of nic setup and then move it to the IP330?
Jim -
When you installed pfsense on the hdd after the 99 command did you , or did you reboot after installation and do any kind of nic setup and then move it to the IP330?
JimHi after the 99 I turned the installation computer off, remove the hdd and put in the IP330. On the nokia from the counsel I then did the nic configuration LAN fxp0, wan fxp1, opt fxp2. fxp0 is the port closest to the counsel port
Thanks for the info. This is pretty much what we tried to do on Friday but did not get anything via the console port. I am using a cable that was successful viewing console off a foundrynetworks switch. How long after you booted the IP330 did you see anything on the terminal? Is the IP330 bios driving the console or is the pfsense OS doing that? We'll be trying it again on Monday. Left everything at the office.
Jim -
Thanks for the info. This is pretty much what we tried to do on Friday but did not get anything via the console port. I am using a cable that was successful viewing console off a foundrynetworks switch. How long after you booted the IP330 did you see anything on the terminal? Is the IP330 bios driving the console or is the pfsense OS doing that? We'll be trying it again on Monday. Left everything at the office.
JimHi it is the Machine BIOS that is driving the console. The BIOS boot screen comes up in the console first within 20 sec of turning it on.
Are you sure the cable is wired as a NULL modem? -
The console does not appear to be working on the IP330 we got. We can tell that it is access the hdd though. Any ideas on setting up pfsense under these circumstances?
Jim -
The console does not appear to be working on the IP330 we got. We can tell that it is access the hdd though. Any ideas on setting up pfsense under these circumstances?
JimNo sorry. But I still think you should check the cable. most foundry switches i've seen use a straight-through serial not a null modem serial.
You could try to edit the config.xml to fit the nokias configuration and boot it up with that. This way you can access it by the webgui and ssh and leave the serial console broken. Maybe someone of the fellow nokia330 users here can provide a factory default config with correctly assigned interfaces and turned on ssh with all other settings at default values for you and other nokia users. Can anybody help with that?
I can try that. I will test it out first. If it works OK I will post the config file -
You were right. I dug up a cable that came with one of our HP Procurves and it works. Right now our problem is the drive boots up and can not mount the root. We are going to try some things to figure this out. Have not been able to mount it manually so far.
Jim -
You were right. I dug up a cable that came with one of our HP Procurves and it works. Right now our problem is the drive boots up and can not mount the root. We are going to try some things to figure this out. Have not been able to mount it manually so far.
JimHi Jim
Glad you got it going.:) -
Got it going and it auto assigned mac addresses to the nics. Very nice touch from the pfsense team.
Jim -
Very nice! I like it :)
Have you noticed that the halt command does not power the IP330 down? I can hear the hdd click like it is parking the head but the unit will not power off. Is this a limitation on the Nokia hardware?
Jim -
I don't know if the nokia has a similiar setting like the nexcom, but I had to make a special setting at the nexcom to make reboots and powerdowns available. I documented what is needed here:
Also try disabling ACPI and check the Bios for powermanagementspecific settings.