Shaping opt1
Can you send me your /conf/config.xml? bill.marquette at – it sounds like the wizard screwed something up, but I can't tell what. Thanks
email sent.
rex -
OK, I noticed a few things wrong with your config…the first most glaring issue is that all the shaper rules are tied to wan or lan - that's unusual as it shouldn't be, but then the config we saved in the <ezshaper>tags show inside int being LAN and outside int being WAN. I'll assume that you've sent me a config that has the interfaces changed back to lan/wan.
With that said, I noticed that you have vlan 1 assigned to rl0 which is OPT2 - I wonder if something's picking that up somehow (as vlan1 isn't an opt interface for you). Not sure, just noticed it and it's "odd". Also, and this is just an're DHCP range on OPT2 is in the same /24 as the DHCP range for opt1. I can't think of a reason either of those config issues would necessarily create bad rules, but it's entirely possible - I do suspect the vlan on the OPT2 physical interface causing unforseen issues though. Can you try removing that config and seeing if the wizard generates any better rules? If you still have issues, go ahead and send me an updated config.xml and /tmp/rules.debug
vlan removed
dhcp range for opt1 removed
dhcp disabled
opt1 disabled
wizard removed and re-runsame problem.
email sent for your review.
rex -
Thanks, that might have done the trick. I'm gonna sit down and ponder code for a while, but I think I know where the bug is based on the new config.xml you sent me.
I'll assume that you've sent me a config that has the interfaces changed back to lan/wan.
you assume correctly
Alrighty, I'm reasonably confident I found the bug. It's going to take a little more brainpower than I have now to actually confirm and fix it. There's a chance this will be fixed for Beta 2. I'm a little stumped as to why the wan rules weren't generated correctly, but it probably has to do with the OPT2 rule (which I think is getting confused with the 'wifi' description) not getting caught correctly.
Good find!
just wondering, didnt mean to rush…
is this bug resolved yet?
coz the wireless users with kazaa are killing my download speed and i need a way to shape them...tia
rex -
just wondering, didnt mean to rush…
is this bug resolved yet?
coz the wireless users with kazaa are killing my download speed and i need a way to shape them...tia
rexI wasn't able to duplicate it on my setup and had other easier bugs to kill. Haven't forgotten about this one.
cant wait any longer :)
so i get the testing snapshot 2-19-06 iso and do clean install.
then trying traffic shaping again.
still… same error.