Replace the files downloaded here
mv ./services.inc.txt /etc/inc/services.inc
mv ./services_dhcp.php.txt /usr/local/www/services_dhcp.phpFor support for LDAP in DHCP
option ldap-server code 95 = string;
Restart DHCP
Ferdig :)
services.inc.txt -
Very nice.
Can you make the same changes to our -HEAD codebase and submit patches? If so we'll get it commited.
Okay ? Don't know what that mean. Is that some kind of cvs ?
Can't you do it ? Hehe :) Since you already know how.
I won't sue you for taking 10 lines from me :) Just take it. Consider it BSD liscense :) Couldn't care less…
Anyway. If you still don't feel like it, where can I get more info about the cvs ?
Okay, atleast do a diff -rub on the files and send me that… ;)
I don't have the original anymore. Forgot to make backup :P Sorry.
Oh well, it would have been a good addition.
I haven't been doing pfSense for a while. The last time was just a test enviroment. Here is my part of the work, diff files as requested.
Good man!
Too bad I don't code php. :P
Glad to see people chipping in though.