Prevent ethernet/arp adding MAC route to table
To prevent ethernet/arp from adding wireless MAC routes to my route table,
do I simply add a firewall filter to block Arp?
After assembling our olsr mesh network, I noticed that when a node is distant
enough from another node to have it's MAC address intermittently visible in
the route table, it seems to be overwriting OLSR's preferred route through
an intermediary node, and instead trying to directly communicate with a node
that is really too far away with lots of ping loss. Is there a way to remedy
this behavior?
Thank you, -pc -
No, I don't think you can even block arp.
May want to ask on the OLSR lists how others have overcome this issue, I am honestly not sure of this.
I did pose this question to the olsr-users list, and the only reply I got instructed me to block each individual node's own "troublesome" IP address(s) in the firewall. I had hoped for a more generally applicable solution. I've also been testing Metrix Pyramid olsr and, although I'm not positive, it seems to Not add MACs to it's route table, and only add IPs presumably obtained from nearby olsr multicast hello/pings.
From olsr-users mailing list…
After assembling our olsr mesh network, I noticed that when a node is distant
enough from another node to have it's MAC address intermittently visible in
the route table, it seems to be overwriting OLSR's preferred route through
an intermediary node, and instead trying to directly communicate with a node
that is really too far away with lots of ping loss. Is there a way to remedy
this behavior?The way freifunk handles it, is by blocking the ip in the firewall -
iptables.Works great.
I don't clame to be the smartest person about OLSR but it sounds like that is a bug…. It shouldn't be adding "distant" routes to your node?