DHCP for Virtual IPs…
Is it possible to get the IP-address of a Virtual IP-address from the ISP DHCP-server, I can only se a static setting. (v1.0RC1)
Technically this is possible and has native support in most linux distros, via Interface Aliasing support using DHCP combined with IF MAC spoofing.example: dhcpcd -I xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:AA eth0:1 dhcpcd -I xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:AB eth0:2 dhcpcd -I xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:AC eth0:3
Our current ISP provides multiple (public) IPs but only via DHCP. (implicit DHCP request)
This is not possible with pfSense atm. Maybe a feature for 1.1 though I don't know any ISPs that handles it this way here in germany. I doubt that this one get's high priority but like always: patches accepted. ;)
Unfortunately unavailable to create a patch.
Is there a manual command to be used for cheating…?
For example adding an interface alias manually...
Could it be seen as an additional interface in pfSense WebGUI..?What is the difference between Proxy ARP and Other...?
"Other" simply accepts the traffic for these IPs where "proxyARP" generates layer2 messages for the virtual IP.