Dual Wan Performance
Hi, just wondering about the performance of dual wans.
I intend to use 2 10 meg cable modems on a P4 1.6 cpu 256 ram (possibly 512 if needed). With 2 x Dual network interface cards (Intel based). Total of 4 network interfaces.
Question 1: Is that enough processing power / ram?
Question 2:
If I had wan connection 1 maxed out at 10meg, would there be any noticable lag/latency on the other wan (2).e.g downloading a linux distribution on wan (1) and then playing a game on the other wan (2).
Question 3:
Does pfsense allow you to prioritize wan traffic (wan 1) in favour of another (wan 2)?e.g can you make the cpu give wan (2) a higher priority?
Hi, just wondering about the performance of dual wans.
I intend to use 2 10 meg cable modems on a P4 1.6 cpu 256 ram (possibly 512 if needed). With 2 x Dual network interface cards (Intel based). Total of 4 network interfaces.
Question 1: Is that enough processing power / ram?
Should be.
Question 2:
If I had wan connection 1 maxed out at 10meg, would there be any noticable lag/latency on the other wan (2).e.g downloading a linux distribution on wan (1) and then playing a game on the other wan (2).
I wouldn't think so but you need to make sure that ALL traffic for the game, etc is going out wan #2 via policy based routing.
Question 3:
Does pfsense allow you to prioritize wan traffic (wan 1) in favour of another (wan 2)?e.g can you make the cpu give wan (2) a higher priority?
No, not really.
"I wouldn't think so but you need to make sure that ALL traffic for the game, etc is going out wan #2 via policy based routing."
The 2 wans will be on separate subnets. I was concerned more with the performance of the actual PC e.g downloading at 10 meg and still being able to service the othter wan without lagging the connection.
thanks for the reply