IMAP server
Is there any way to install the IMAP server like dovecot or smth else on PFSENSE with full install (on HDD) ?
I must have IMAP server in my network and i don't want leave PFSENSE which is great for me (stability and superios traffic control) :(Router with PFSENSE is only computer who work 24h per day :/
Best regards,
The cleanest way would to build a package for this, however you should be able to just install it at the backendlevel. Be aware that some files are dynamically regenerated from the webgui or at bootup from the config.xml file. Of course we are talking about unsupported modifications here.
Is there any way to install the IMAP server like dovecot or smth else on PFSENSE with full install (on HDD) ?
I must have IMAP server in my network and i don't want leave PFSENSE which is great for me (stability and superios traffic control) :(Router with PFSENSE is only computer who work 24h per day :/
Best regards,
You'd also need it to run as a MTA, which would require sendmail or some other MTA installed. Have fun!