WAN Reconnection
I'm want to replace an Linux load balancing by pfSense, As pfSense could not use 2 PPPoE or 2 PPPTP interfaces I already know I must configure my modems in router mode. and put static IP´s in pool;
But I still have a question:
If one of modems loose the link, how will pfSense reset the modem to recreate the connection?
Thanks for any help.
pfSense will ping the monitor ip. If it becomes down then pfSense removes the ip from the pool automatically.
Why should it reset the modem? The modem should permanently retry to establish the connection again if it was lost. In case these modems are dial on demand they'll see every 5 seconds a ping to the monitor IP, so it should try to connect. Chosse a monitor IP behind your modem (ISP gateway of the modem for example).
Thanks hoba and sullrich for your reply.
Why should it reset the modem?
If my modem did not reconnect automatically,
maybe I should force a reconnection,
rebooting the modem for example.
Nowadays as Im using PPPoE connections, so,
monitoring and the reconnection is responsibility of my Linux box.Now I am in doubt:
If I configure the modems in router mode, they should monitor the line and reconnect automatically?
(I am using 2 ADSL Thomson/Alcatel SpeedTouch 510)Thanks again,
If I configure the modems in router mode, they should monitor the line and reconnect automatically?
(I am using 2 ADSL Thomson/Alcatel SpeedTouch 510)Lol - In my happy days I rewote parts of theire firmware (the 510V3).
For saying : yes, they do. They don't need any help to do so.