Problem connecting to ftp sites DUAL WAN using static routing
I do, even with loadbalancing in active and passive mode when using this workaround rule ;)
hahaha could have guessed… I hope I will too soon.. :-)
Oh, btw, you have to reset states after you added the loopbackrule. If you still have old states in your statetable and you try to get tot he same server again you will still see the problem. (diagnostics>states, reset states)
:-( did that .. even before posting .. even after the workaround..
I did a reboot and that solves it.. as it seems resetting states isn't working.. I have that with rule changes also..
Anyway the workaround has solved the main issue..
Thanks Hoba ..
Oh, then you see the filter_reload bug as well. This has been fixed and will be available as download soon (1.0.1 is in the pipe).
Oh, then you see the filter_reload bug as well. This has been fixed and will be available as download soon (1.0.1 is in the pipe).
Arg…that bug SUCKS :-/ Why oh why was this not caught in the RC's sigh. One wonders if nobody used them.
I think I have the same problem and even slightly worse :-\
I couldn't connect to any FTP server on the Internet so I added the workaround rule above my Allow All on LAN and redirected it to the default gateway (WAN, I'm loadbalancing on WAN and OPT1). Now I can connect to FTP servers (including passively) but sometimes it can't LIST, and just hang there, regardless of the FTP client. I did a state reset and even a reboot, to no avail :(
Make sure you use "default" (should show up as an asterisk in the rules view) instead of the WAN-IP as gateway.
Yep, that's what I was using. I updated to 1.0.1 and after the reboot it seems to be working now :)
Anyway, if my WAN comes down I'll have to edit the workaround rule to use OPT1 as the gateway, right?
The ftp helper can only be used at the original WAN as it is a userland application that can't make use of the loadbalancer. This is a limitation. Btw, we fixed something behind the scenes, so you should try if you now can do without the workaround rule. Just disable it and try again.
No luck without the workaround :(