Quick hfsc syntax question
I'm trying to wrap my brain around the shaping going in with hfsc, and I think I've just about got it figured out (at least a little bit). I'm curious about the relation about the number given after bandwidth and the realtime/linksahre/upperlimit numbers. For example:
queue qGamesUp bandwidth 15% priority 5 hfsc ( linkshare 50% realtime(50% 60000 24%) )
what does 'bandwidth 15%' mean in relation to 'hfsc ( linkshare 50% realtime(50% 60000 24%) )'
I understand that the linkshare and realtime negate the 'priority 5' portion (according to the WebGUI), but I am unsure of whether the 24% or guaranteed comes FROM the 15% bandwidth? Or how the two sections of the line relate to each other. Should the 'bandwidth 15%' be the same as the number given for the 'realtime' guarantee? Any ideas would be appreciated. If I can get a good enough understanding of it, I'm looking to add some documentation to the wikki.
Please see
http://wiki.pfsense.com/wikka.php?wakka=NewShaperNotes -
I have read the docs in the wikki currently, being a total newb at packet shaping, I'm just still not understanding. If you could clarify it for me just a little bit I would really appreciate it. Is the bandwidth 15% overridden by the realtime + linkshare?
I have read the docs in the wikki currently, being a total newb at packet shaping, I'm just still not understanding. If you could clarify it for me just a little bit I would really appreciate it. Is the bandwidth 15% overridden by the realtime + linkshare?
I did not verify this in practise. However to my best knowledge (from discussions on this forum, google, etc), yes.
Specifically, Bandwidth is overridden by Linkshare's m2. So, leave Linkshare unset, or always set its m2 = Bandwidth to avoid confusion.
Thanks! after reading the man page some more on pf and altq I had tried leaving the bandwidth unset but wound up with a bunch of SC of child is greater than parents SC (or something to that effect) which makes a little sense since - if I understand things correctly - as it defaults to 100% if not set. I'm going with setting bandwidth to the value of m2 - which will hopefully clear things up. It does bring up a different question though, the bandwidth setting for lan and wan acks is set at 25% while the m2 value of lan/wan acks is set at 10%.
Any ideas as to how that fits into the equation? Maybe the logic behind those settings could help me to understand a little better.thanks again!
the bandwidth setting for lan and wan acks is set at 25% while the m2 value of lan/wan acks is set at 10%.
Any ideas as to how that fits into the equation? Maybe the logic behind those settings could help me to understand a little better.Then the actual value will be 10%.
In each Queue page, there are 10 data fields:
Upper limit curve's m1, d, m2
Realtime curve's m1, d, m2
Linkshare curve's m1, d, m2However, "Bandwidth" is just a shortcut for Linkshare curve's m2. If you set Bandwidth = 25% and Linkshare's m2 = 10%, then the "25%" takes no effects beside causing confusion.
Here's my practice:
always set Bandwidth. I find it useful as it appears in pftop output and Traffic Shaper reports.
set Linkshare's m2 (always = Bandwidth) only if I'm going to set Linkshare's m1 and d too. Otherwise, leave m2 unset.
dusan - that has definitely cleared things up for me, I really appreciate it. I was definitely getting m2 and bandwidth confused, and did not realize that they were one in the same.
Thanks again!!
;D ;D ;D