Two WAN Slow Ping
I have configured pfSense with 3 NIC.
OPT1(VPN) - Public_IP_AThe WAN interface gateway goes to another gateway with 2 NIC.
WAN - Public_IP_BThe OPT1(VPN) handles all the VPN tunnels. But the internet connection should go to the WAN gateway and have access on Public_IP_B.
When i try to ping the VPN interface on another Public IP address let say Public_IP_C, the response time is very slow, around 1000ms. Is this caused by my configuration on pfSense? I not sure if my configuration causes the error. I am new to gateway networking and would like to ask your opinion. Thanks.
Do a traceroute from your client to this client. Note which hop adds the long delays. Is it right behind the pfSense?
Yes, when I use trace route from Public_IP_C to Public_IP_A all the routes are fast around 30 - 40ms except for Public_IP_A which has around 1000ms.
I'm currently using pfsense 1.0 RC2 on this setup, if that may help. Thanks.
RC2 is unsupported. It's too old. There are already release versions out for some month. Please upgrade first. I recommend using a snapshot from .
Oh. so it means there maybe a problem with my pfSense being out-of-date. thanks. I'm upgrading as i write this.
I am happy to inform all that the above configuration is working great on the new update of pfSense. Thanks for all the help. Now, I regularly will check for any latest Snapshots here. Thanks again…