Kernel: carp3: incorrect hash
VHIDS + Passwords must match up on each CARP cluster member.
thanks for help.
all vhids and password mismatch each vip carp
but this error on log again
kernel: carp0: incorrect hash
kernel: carp1: incorrect hash
kernel: carp2: incorrect hash
php: /firewall_virtual_ip.php: CARP: 3 < 2
php: /firewall_virtual_ip.php: CARP: 3 < 2and any modify or deleting, hang up.
So you have unique passwords and unique VHIDs?
vip 1
type: carp iface: wan ip: x.x.x.4/24 vip pwd: 1 vhid grp: 4 adv freq: 0
vip 2
type: carp iface: wan ip: x.x.x.5/24 vip pwd: 2 vhid grp: 5 adv freq: 0
vip 3
type: carp iface: wan ip: x.x.x.6/24 vip pwd: 3 vhid grp: 6 adv freq: 0
vip 4
type: carp iface: wan ip: x.x.x.7/24 vip pwd: 4 vhid grp: 7 adv freq: 0and problem again
kernel: carp3: incorrect hash
kernel: carp4: incorrect hashthanks for help
Besides of these errors does it work? What does status>failover(carp) show on both machines?
carp status
carp0 x.x.x.4 MASTER green
carp1 x.x.x.5 MASTER green
carp2 x.x.x.6 MASTER green
carp3 x.x.x.7 MASTER green
…i have single pf, no cluster (c class ip's)
Any chance that there is something like vrrp or something similiar at WAN? This traffic somehow is similiar like CARP and can cause such messages.
pf log have
php: /interfaces_wan.php: CARP: 251 < 251
now 1.0.1-SNAPSHOT-12-04-2006, clean install
old backup, restored.
and 1.0.1-SNAPSHOT-01-24-2007 problem.
php: /interfaces_wan.php: CARP: 251 < 251
This message is informational only and was being used for debugging at some point and was accidently left in. Just ignore it.
thanks for yours help