Dynamic DNS with Zoneedit
I've gotten pfsense to update zoneedit when there is an IP change, but it only updates the main domain name, and the www host. I have other hosts(ftp, for example) that need to point to the same IP address, is there anyway to get pfsense to update those as well. For example:
domain.com, www.domain.com, and ftp.domain.com all point to
Then there is an IP change to,
domain.com and www.domain.com will change to, but ftp.domain.com will stay at
I was just wondering if it's possible for pfsense to change all the hosts to the same IP.
No, I am afraid we do not have the capability of doing this.
You probably have a server running behind the firewall anyway. Use one of the updateclients additional to the pfsense dyndns to update the remaining accounts. You can find free tools at the dyndns providers support sections.
yeah. that's what i'll do, but i just wanted to make sure there wasn't any way to do it with the firewall box.
I don't know why I didn't think of this before, but what I ended up doing was adding cname records that point to the domain, instead of A records. That works pretty much the same.
Just a question. Would it not be possible to make several config-files to ez-ipupdate and put them in a script?
A little while ago I opened a bugreport to fix this.
All you need to do is enter the domains like this:
Use the latest snapshot.
thnx! missed that :)