Cannot create a tunnel with a gateway
I just deleted the not working tunnel config on my roadwarrior router and now the new config wont accept a remote gateway setting.
I configured the following settings:
Interface: WAN
Local Subnet: LAN Subnet
Remote Subnet:
Remote Gateway: InterfacePhase1 Settings:
My Identifier: User FQDN / info@my.domain
Lifetime: 1200
Preshared Key: copy+paste from my static configurationPhase2 Settings:
Lifetime: 1200And an IP address on my local subnet to ping to.
I press the save button and what happens? My tunnel setup is created, but the remote gateway information is lost!
When I look into the system log into IPSec logs I see the following two lines:Apr 19 15:33:41 racoon: ERROR: fatal parse failure (1 errors)
Apr 19 15:33:41 racoon: ERROR: /var/etc/racoon.conf:5: "{" parse errorLooking at the racoon.conf it does not look very wrong to me, but ok, I am new to this
path pre_shared_key "/var/etc/psk.txt";
path certificate "/var/etc";
remote {
exchange_mode aggressive;
my_identifier user_fqdn "info@my.domain";peers_identifier address ;
initial_contact on;
support_proxy on;
proposal_check obey;proposal {
encryption_algorithm 3des;
hash_algorithm sha1;
authentication_method pre_shared_key;
dh_group 2;
lifetime time 1200 secs;
lifetime time 1200 secs;
}Next try:
deleted the tunnel, saved,
disabled IPSec, saved
enabled IPSec, saved
created the tunnel, savedResult: again, no gateway
Can I delete the racoon.conf and it will be created from scratch?
Comradin -
It won't work that way for roadwarriors. Have a look at how to configure mobile clients.
now Im really lost. I did my setup with the help of this tutorial two or three times now and I do not see any differences between the tutorial and my two machines.
Only difference is that my static machine has two interfaces with WAN being the dynamic interface with PPPoE and OPT1 being the static interface like I wrote in my other thread where I was told to update my static box to the latest snapshot because of IPSec on OPT1 not being possible.