Firewall rules outside of the subnet don;t work on system with CALCRU errors
I have figured out that the latest snapshot of 1.2 BETA1 runs OK on one of the two extact DL580's that I have, but on one I get calcru errors all the time and other strange things are happening.
These calcru errors should be Hardware, but what ? My Nics are tested in the syste, removed from it, so on. I thought when I was doing data on the nics in a bridge mode I got these errors.
My Firewall rules on this machine are also not working, they are the same as on another system but don't work. When I check the interfaces, my bridge interfaces, em0 and em1 are showing "BLOCKING: Check for ethernet loops".
I have seen other people having these calcru issues, what is actually comming from FreeBSD directly, but their firewall seems to work, this one really doesn't.
When I attach a workstation to the subnet and I want to use the webGUI through the WAN interface, the rules that I made for this are working, but still not from the outside.
I have to replace it with a spare machine to test what happens exactly, but can I check more, or what should I check more ?
This looks weird because of the subnet that is working.
What I use is a router with 2 vlans on it, where the wan is in vlan2 and the lan in vlan3. The VE (Virtual Interface, my gateway for my servers) is in vlan2.
My other box is set up the same and working well, only different IP's ofcourse ;)
Thanks !
Problem solved.
I changed the I/O bord and Memory… works like chairm !!
Because this is a testsystem where it happens on… I see these errors now again after I did some other tests.
What should be the main reason of HW-failure in most cases ?
I doubt if it's hardware related. Check your BIOS settings on the machine that works vs. the one that doesn't. Also look for BIOS version differences. Every time I've seen calcru errors it's been fixed by a BIOS upgrade, or setting PNP OS to "no" in the BIOS (other settings might also be relevant).
I doubt if it's hardware related. Check your BIOS settings on the machine that works vs. the one that doesn't. Also look for BIOS version differences. Every time I've seen calcru errors it's been fixed by a BIOS upgrade, or setting PNP OS to "no" in the BIOS (other settings might also be relevant).
The BIOS's are the same, I also see it now on the working version.
I have set the OS on a Compaq to "UNIX Large drive geometry", maybe I will switch this one, for the rest everything is the same an most strange stuff is disabled.
The machine works fine actually.
My calcru errors vanished after upgrading to 1.2 RC1.
Check out how to modify the hardwaretimer freebsd is using. I have to do this on my ibm 1u server as well to get rid of the calcru messages. Modify the /etc/sysctl.conf from the webgui "diagnostics>edit file" and reboot. It only works for me when it's set at bootup. i8254 works ok for me.
Please note that as of 1.3 /etc/sysctl.conf is dynamically generated. So when 1.3 comes out you will need to add this statement to config.xml. Just giving you a warning ahead of time.
Btw, these negative calcru messages never had any bad effect on my installation, they have just been spamming the system logs a lot as they appeared several times a second.