1:1 NAT only working on WAN, not on OPT1 (my second WAN)
Hi, I have a simple dual-WAN setup on pfsense 1.2b. I've read every tuturial, and can't seem to figure out what's going wrong.
I have mutliple WAN 1:1 NAT setup, and all the proper Virtual IP's setup (and they're associated correctly with WAN or OPT1 respectively)
WAN = xxx.xxx.xxx.241 / 28 (block of 16 IP from ISP)
OPT1 - xxx.xxx.xxx.193 / 28 (block of 16 IP from ISP)I can add LAN rules that point traffic out each gateway, and they both do work, both interfaces are up.
I can add 1:1 NAT rules for any IP on the WAN they all work fine. Whatever machine on my LAN is assigned that external address from the WAN, it works great.
If I try to create a 1:1 NAT rule for any IP on the OPT1 , and create a virtual IP (assigning it to OPT1)… it doesn't work. And yes, I'm setting up the 1:1 NAT rules on the OPT1 if that external IP address is from OPT1
Any Ideas?
What type of VIP are you using on the OPT WAN?
Hi, I'm using Proxy ARP, interface OPT1, single address….
Thanks very much.
Greetings ,
Im trying configure my fw using 1:1 NAT , but its not working , can u help me ?
Just checking, but you're not trying to setup 1-1 NATs on WAN and OPT are you? 'Cause that won't work. If you need a machine to be available externally from both WANs, use port-forwards.
No No… I'm trying to setup DIFFERENT servers inside the LAN with external IP addresses.
For example: inside the lan has an 1:1 NAT for an external IP on WAN inside the lan has a 1:1 NAT for an external IP on OPT1 -
I succeeded into making a similar config up and running.
I had to add Firewall rules on the OPT1 to allow traffic to :)