Problems with DHCP-lease from strange ISP (Telia)
I've been battling this problem for about a month now and i think I've found the solution; though i don't know how to do it in pfSense. My WAN interface is configured as a DHCP-client and what i want to do is: "supersede dhcp-server-identifier;".
Is this possible?The server specified in "dhcp-server-identifier" i get in the DHCP-lease from the ISP isn't responding when pfSense is trying to do a "DHCPREQUEST". My thinking is that setting the "dhcp-server-identifier" to a brodcast adress will solve this issue ;D
I solved the issue, almost anyways…
I beleave there is a compability issue between pfsense and the Telias DHCP-servers. It's working 99% of the time if i modify the "$dhclientconf" variable found in "/etc/inc/" according the whats below:$dhclientconf .= <<<eod<br>timeout 1200;
retry 1;
select-timeout 0;
initial-interval 1;
interface "{$wancfg['if']}" {
send dhcp-lease-time 60;
script "/sbin/dhclient-script";
I would try this but after a reboot my changes in "/etc/inc/" dosent stick.
PS i Use Bredbandsbolaget.
Bump. How do i do this?
I would try this since i have similar problems with bredbandsbolaget. -
This fix is included in recent snapshots located at:
I have upgraded now.
Will report back after a few days of testing. -
To sullrich: What's a snapshot? Will a snapshot make it into the final release?
The thing with the patch above is that the firewall is REALLY persintent in waiting for an IP adress and does that for 20 minutes. I beleave this would make pfsense take more than 20 minutes to boot if the WAN port isn't connected or for some other reason can't get an ip. And that's not good right? -
To sullrich: What's a snapshot? Will a snapshot make it into the final release?
The thing with the patch above is that the firewall is REALLY persintent in waiting for an IP adress and does that for 20 minutes. I beleave this would make pfsense take more than 20 minutes to boot if the WAN port isn't connected or for some other reason can't get an ip. And that's not good right?
Sorry to say but it made no diffrence :'(
Dec 11 22:10:51 dhcpd: uid lease for client 00:02:e3:12:7a:10 is duplicate on 192.168.0/24
Dec 11 22:04:05 dhclient[295]: bound to – renewal in 1800 seconds.
Dec 11 22:04:04 dhclient[295]: DHCPACK from
Dec 11 22:04:04 dhclient[295]: DHCPREQUEST on ste0 to port 67
Dec 11 22:02:56 dhclient[295]: DHCPREQUEST on ste0 to port 67
Dec 11 22:02:03 last message repeated 3 times
Dec 11 22:00:00 dhclient[295]: DHCPREQUEST on ste0 to port 67
Dec 11 21:59:23 dhclient[295]: DHCPREQUEST on ste0 to port 67
Dec 11 21:58:47 dnsmasq[533]: reading /var/dhcpd/var/db/dhcpd.leases
Dec 11 21:57:52 last message repeated 2 times
Dec 11 21:56:37 last message repeated 10 times
Dec 11 21:54:27 last message repeated 4 times
Dec 11 21:53:49 dhclient[295]: DHCPREQUEST on ste0 to port 671.2-RC3
built on Tue Dec 11 11:52:19 EST 2007 -
Any news on this?