ALIX with Microdrive?
Has anyone got a microdrive working on a alix board, if so any caveats, and what brand/model drive?
Has anyone got a microdrive working on a alix board, if so any caveats, and what brand/model drive?
Which ALIX board?
I have a couple of different ALIX boards here and an IBM 2.2-Gig microdrive but have not tried it (yet).
Seagate MDs wont work, I've not had any problems with Hitachi drives though. I have a 4G model that seems to work ok:
Model: HMS360404D5CF00
Seagate MDs wont work, I've not had any problems with Hitachi drives though. I have a 4G model that seems to work ok:
Model: HMS360404D5CF00
Interesting the Seagates don't work!
One thing I forgot to mention - I have a Transcend Solid-State 32-Gig IDE 2.5-inch drive on order to see how well it works with the ALIX boards. Should be interesting as they have a 2-year warrenty against failures and over 1.6 million hours before failure rating. Still a bit high in price (costs more than the ALIX 1.C board) but I have some applications where this may work very well - and no moving parts is a plus in mobile off-road applications! :)
I imagine it is possible to get the seagate drives to work, as they do apparently work with versions of FreeBSD prior to 6. I haven't done much more than google the model number of the Seagate drive I bought, and I came to the conclusion that even though it is a known bug in the FreeBSD driver, it probably isn't going to get fixed any time soon. (and I don't have the expertise to fix it myself)
I just purchased a new Hitachi 3K6 Series 6GB Microdrive #HMS360606D5CF00, Im going to attempt a full install of pfsense when it arrives.