Dual WAN Gateway Balancer - DNS -
Good morning,
I'm trying to set up pfsense for 2 WAN in dual balancing as gateway.It works… or it seems so(status->Load balancer > Online Online), but...if take away the 1 WAN cable, status->Load balancer > OfflineOffline, there no more connection...
Viceversa whitout the 2 WAN, it works all fine...I've seen that in 1 WAN are setted the DNS, in 2 WAN, no...
Is this the problem?
How could I set them for both WANs? ???
Thanks in advance, kindly regards.
You want failover with loadbalancing….. You have to use carp for that.
Loadbalancing alone, is just distributing the traffic over 2 interfaces....
You want failover with loadbalancing….. You have to use carp for that.
Loadbalancing alone, is just distributing the traffic over 2 interfaces....
This is not true.
CARP is used for hardware failover. This is a different problem.
If you use a loadbalancing pool and one of the gateways goes down, the loadbalancing pool behaves exactly like a failoverpool.
(At least when you use 2 WANs. With 3 WANs its then like you have a 2-WAN loadbalancer)@Summer: Did you follow the multiWAN howto on the wiki?
Did you do the following step?:
http://doc.pfsense.org/index.php/MultiWanVersion1.2#Setting_up_DNS_for_Load_Balancing -
Can we get a screen capture of your load balancer pool? Mod is correct, load balancing will shift to failover if 1 LAN failed. That how my system is setup and it's doing failover if I disconnect 1 WAN.
Use the loadbalancing Service as a gateway.
Secondly use OpenDNS in both the WAN i.e. and
So no DNS issues.
There are some protocols such as POP3 and SMTP which gives problem while authenticating for that you needs to create a load balancer service as a failover rule.