Multiwan plus https/ftp and failover
I am having some issues with https and ftp. Using roundrobin load balancing outbound the remote sites are choking on packets that appear to come from two different IP addresses. I suppose I could "fix" this by forcing those protocols over one of our two links. However, if that link fails, then those protocols will just die instead of failing over to the other WAN link. I am curious how other people are handling this problem. I thought "sticky connections" would deal with this in conjunction with just letting everything go to the loadbalanced gateway, but this doesn't seem to work.
Any suggestions would be very much appreciated.
I suppose I could "fix" this by forcing those protocols over one of our two links. However, if that link fails, then those protocols will just die instead of failing over to the other WAN link.
You dont have to use a balancing-pool. There are also failover-pools.
Instead of forcing it to one of the links you can create a failover-pool and set the gateway for these protocols to this pool.
The source-IP will only change if your primary link fails.