Racoon: ERROR: not acceptable Identity Protection mode
I'm trying an simple site-2-site Ipsec-PSK setup. On both sites i am running pfsense 1.2.3rc1.
The initiating site has a dynamic ip and the other site has an static ip.
I followed many tutorials, but i dont get it running.
On the server site phase 1 always brings up following error:
racoon: ERROR: not acceptable Identity Protection mode
I already tried different identifiers and algs. The search results didn't helped me.Has anyone a hint for me? Where can i find the racoon config file?
You have a config mismatch of some sort, sounds like aggressive on one end and main on the other.
Hi cmb.
This is the first thing i thougt, when I saw the message, but I checked both sites and changed it from aggressive to main for test.
Perhaps i did something else wrong. I'll describe I am doing .On the static site:
1. VPN - Ipsec - Tunnels - Enable Ipsec - save
2. VPN - Ipsec - Mobile Clients- Allow mobile clients
-> Phase 1 - Negotiation mode: aggressive
- My identifier: MyIP
- Blowfish/SHA/DH2/DPD120/Lifetime:3600/PSK
-> Phase 2 - ESP/Blowfish/SHA/DH2/DPD120/Lifetime:3600/PSK
3. VPN - Ipsec - pre-shared Keys - Identifier: remote@remote.loc
- Pre-shared key: veryverysecure
On the dynamic site:
1. VPN - Ipsec - Tunnels- Enable Ipsec - save
-> Add tunnel - Interface: WAN
- Local subnet: LAN subnet
- Remote subnet: [IP of remote LAN subnet] with mask
- Remote Gateway: [public IP of static site]
Phase 1 - Negotiation mode: aggressive
- My identifier: User FQDN -> remote@remote.loc
- Blowfish/SHA/DH2/Lifetime:3600
- Authentication method: Pre-shared Key
Phase 2: - ESP/Blowfish/SHA/DH2/Lifetime:3600
This is all. I know I have to setup a ruleset when SA is established.
But this is not yet.rgds
- Allow mobile clients
I was able to establish SA. the pfsensedocs tutorial is not working for me.
This one: http://www.pfsense.org/mirror.php?section=tutorials/mobile_ipsec/
I did a static2static setup with an additional tunnel on the static site and a psk record on the dynamic site (identifier == pubIP of static site). I hope I dont get problems with the dyndns adress of the dynamic site.
Has anyone a dynamic2static ipsec setup running?
I always want the dynamic site to initiate the SA to the static site.Cheers