FSC Futro S200 (fanless, 800 MHz, PCI-Slot, CF-Card, only ~ € 150)
I just wanted to let you know that I found this device on ebay
for ~ € 150 which has no fans at all and has a PCI-Slot and CF-Card reader! :-)It seems to run pfSense 1.2 great here, will test it in "production" now…
Just wanted to let you know in case you're searching for something cheap, silent
and "fast" (800 MHz Transmeta CPU) :-)Best regards,
please, tell us about your experiences regarding this device.
I would like to get one, spend it more RAM and an intel 2xNIC in order to use pfsense with snort and site-to-site-openvpn.
Well my experience so far is really great!
Running it on a 16 MBit DSL-Line with CF-Card and a 4-Port DLINK-PCI-Card
and so far it works completely flawless…
No problems, no hickups, nothing.I can really recommend this system as it is not only silent but really cheap :-)
Best regards,
thx for your answer. I would like to know the throughput and the number of rules you defined. I would really appreciate if you could do such a benchmark.
Did you install any additional packages?
Well it has no problems dealing with the 16 MBit/s Line…
I have not a lot of rules but it fits perfectly for home use if not
also for a small office ;-)