Pfsense and ipv6
my isp told me i can use ipv6 now. I have pfsense and how i get ipv6 working in pfsense?
They told me:
We made u 2 networks:
2001:xxxx:xxx:xx::/64first is like "link network" and must put 2001:xxxx:xxx:xxx:xx::2 to my router where located wan and ::1 to gateway
that /64 working someway over that /96 linknetwork. They told me too their ipv6 dns servers and after when i get that link network working i can add ipv6 ips 2001:xxxx:xxx:xx::yy to my computer and set that ::1 to gateway.
How i can do this in pfsense???
Tnx! Pfsense rock!
search-term: "IPv6"
–>,5992.0.html,7130.0.htmlSituation unchanged.
extra info -
Hi again!
did pfsense get ipv6 through?
Our network is like:
(dmz) without dchp => our server
dsl modem -> pfsense
(lan) dhcp => my computer future is like:
(dmz) without dchp => our server
dsl modem -> router (what just route ipv4/ipv6)-> pfsense
(lan) dhcp => my computer etc..did ipv6 work over pfsense exsample our server?
- 10 months later
I know i opened up a very old topic, but i see Google is indexing this as nr #1 and this will definitely help people configuring IPv6 on pfsense boxes. I wrote an article at