Vmware image?
anyone get the developer iso working on vmware?
I tried to get it to work on VMware player, got it to boot , but could not get it installed.
(1) I cant figure out is how to get 2 interfaces.
(2) what options do I choose in the bootloader section -
Hi Sai,
I got normal pfsense to install.. what I did was create multiple interfaces and then made one NAT and one Bridged. Treat the Bridged one as WAN and the NAT one as LAN and it should work. I am downloading the dev iso now so I'll see if that causes any real issues.
how do you create multiple interfaces? I am very new to VMware….
I managed to install the 1.2.2 dev iso, but there is no /home/pfsense/tools directory
do I have now follow http://devwiki.pfsense.org/DevelopersBootStrapAndDevIso ? or did I install it wrong?